The Nepal Ambulance Service is a non-profit registered NGO. Funding for its operations are completely dependant on fees for services rendered and contributions from national and international sponsors and donors.
In Nepal NAS encourages corporate, individual and community organization sponsors and Donors.
Interested individuals and families should contact Nepal Ambulance Service Mr. Amit Joshi
Mr. Amit Joshi
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Nepal Ambulance Service
Kalikasthan, Kathmandu
+977-01-4427011 (Fax)
Community Organizations can pledge to donate any amount starting at Rs 5,000/month for 60 months.
Alternately one time up front payments in any amount would also be welcomed.
Interested Community Organizations should contact NAS Senior Vice-President and Fundraising Committee Chair:
Mr. Om Rajbhandary
Executive Chairman
Brihat Corp.
NAS is currently working with Stanford Emergency Medicine International (SEMI) to develop a plan for recovery and capacity building, and identifying potential funding sources. SEMI's aim is to help NAS recover Kathmandu's pre-hospital capacity for responding to any emergency, whether it be related to a natural disaster or not. We hope to respond to this disaster by making Nepal more prepared and resilient in their ability to provide life-saving interventions to the Nepali people on a daily basis. In addition to working to rescue victims and mitigate immediate risks, it is also important to think longer term, and rebuild to empower the emergency care system itself.
International agencies or individuals interested in partnering with NAS or SEMI towards these goals should contact.
Rebecca Walker
Asst. Professor, Emergency Medicine
Stanford Emergency Medicine International
Other international organizations should contact.
Mr. Amit Joshi
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Nepal Ambulance Service
Kalikasthan, Kathmandu
+977-1-4427011 (Fax)